Election Day 2016 Journal Entry

Election Day 2016 Journal Entry

*I would like to preface this blog post... I am political, but not very vocal about my political views. This was something that I needed to get off my chest, when no American was around to talk too.  I think that all people should be educated on their political system. Also, in light of recent events that are happening in the U.S. I hope that people who are unnerved, offended, sickened, and appalled by this election, begin to become more proactive in their political system and communities. This is my actual journal entry.

11/9/16 – The ninth of November, 2016, Fremantle, West Australia *Remember I'm in a different time zone, ahead of the USA

Today Donald Trump became president. How else do you start this conversation? … This conversation about how the world is completely rattled.  Not just the citizens of the United States, but the citizens of the world.

Vipassana: Meditation Course or Prison Camp?

Vipassana: Meditation Course or Prison Camp?

Recently, I attended a Vipassana Meditation course outside of Rockford, IL.  These meditation courses are offered all over the world & are free to any who would like to participate.  This course is 10 Days and asks you to observe Noble Silence, and to relinquish any of your regular activities (i.e. exercise, reading, journaling, etc.) to strictly focus on learning this meditation technique.  My experience is outlined is a revealing, candid, and really lengthy blog post titled, "Vipassana: Meditation Course or Prison Camp?" ... I hope you are intrigued.

Articles that you should check out...

Anjaneyasana (Crescent Lunge)

Just a few recent yoga and health style articles that I've read lately & want to share. 

- Alright dudes (and chicks too)... I'm sick of BS excuses to not do yoga... those are in this article as well.  Read up, educate yourself on what you might think yoga is all about, and what benefits are actually in it for you.  It's more than you think. - The Badass Guide to Yoga for Men - Be Yogi

- Yoga is the union between mind and body, and here are some simple techniques where mind is over matter, and can improve aspects of any of your training. - 4 Mind-Body Tricks That Instantly Make You Stronger

- People constantly ask me how I can manage my nomadic living... and the answer is a lot of planning and hard work.  However, I came across this great article by Kiersten Rich, giving you the scoop on how world travel can be done without being rich.  Each item on this list, I related too or learned something new to help my travels. Totally appreciate that Rich took the time to put together for all of us! - I Left My Corporate Finance Job to Travel the World, What I've Learned

- Some of you out there looking for advice on Healthy Neck & Shoulders, check out this article by Matt Giordano.  He's a rad yoga instructor that I was able to take a workshop with at Wanderlust in Vermont last year. This article is a bit long, but really lays out some knowledge on the body for you. - TheYogiMatt


Kids Yoga THANK YOU NOTES... Adorable & Hilarious.

What an amazing day that I had at my old elementary school, when I taught yoga for kids age 5-9.  Many of the children sent me Thank You notes shortly after, and I can't help but share.  Hopefully it puts a smile on your face, and touches your heart like it did mine.  The fact that so many of them could get into yoga makes me want to do it more.  Lots of love kiddos!